#showtooltip. Here are a couple of easy ones that work in the same way as the interrupt macros above. I just want it to target my targets target (assist won't work so don't suggest it), cast tricks of the trade, the change back to my original target. The macro belows casts to a Focus Target and sends a whisper to PUMP! #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast [target=focus] Tricks of the Trade /run if UnitExists ("focus") then SendChatMessage (">> TRICKS of. Also I use this one if my 2nd one wont work (if my friend is a noob and dies). This can be useful if you prefer this over the mouseover option. Controlling Key Mobs Cast Kidney Shot on your focus targetThis is the macro: Code: #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt, @focus ] Tricks of the Trade; [mod:shift, @targettarget ] Tricks of the Trade; [@player_name] Tricks of the Trade. Tricks of the Trade macro. Trix is a simple addon to help rogues manage Tricks of the Trade usage. /cast Tricks of the Trade /script SendChatMessage ("Tricks of the Trade on you, rip stuff up","WHISPER",nil,UnitName("focus")) set the rogue/target you will be tricking as your focus, the downside is if your focus dies, you need to quickly reset your focus to the next person. . Need Help with Whisper after succesful cast Macro. mongoose6. I'm sure you're already guessing what comes next. 0] 1 star. /tar (MT name) /cast tricks of the trade /assistSo I have a macro/script that ads a name of the target in another macro specified in the code to cast Tricks of the Trade on that target. Trix will create 3 macros if they don't exist: Trix1, Trix2, and TrixAIO. This is what I use in PUGs to easily change the target of my threat transferring abilities to be my current. GSE-3. This guide / tutorial should help anyone who doesn't yet have. My current Tricks of the Trade Macro goes like this: #showtooltip. It seems to have stopped working with patch 8. Pressing Alt + Key will Sap the focus. What I've tried before is something like this: /cast Mutilate /cast Tricks of the Trade. This thread is for comments about our Rogue Macros guide for WotLK Classic. /cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade Use with alt and it will set your focus, used alone and it will trix your focus. If you didn't set a focus target, it will target your target's target. I use this instead of a focus macro because of its flexibility. If you are receiving tricks from another rogue, this can cancel the. Step 2: Create the following macro named as you please, for this example SeTTotT. Tricks of the Trade: Increases your friendly targets damage done by 15% for 30 seconds. It consisted of two separate macros. Macros: Tricks of the Trade. As I am no longer playing WoW, this mod will not be updated. 1. When there is only one tank, as in a 5-man group, I can set him as the focus at the start of the run and then use this macro repeatedly during combat. It's very usefull on m+. Post by pelf #showtooltip /cast If you have a living, friendly mouseover, it will prioritize it and cast TotT on that, otherwise it should observe your default casting behavior. Usage : Target the player you want to set as your Tricks of the Trade recipient and use the set macro ( SeTTotT ), you will see a chatlog message confirming the macro worked. Postado por Attis. 1 WOTLK-WEAKAURA. Essentially, they allow you to cast abilities on other units without having to manually change your target. As I am for now the only rogue in our raid, there's no other rogue to trade tricks with which leads me to the problem that I should trade tricks with someone who's capable of good dps and not being a caster due to range. Post by MasterOutlaw Since 3. This makes your gameplay a lot more fluid and reactive. I use V, shift-V,. 62) Tricks of the Trade (optional) (ALC 15)Tricks of the Trade Macro: [Tricks of the Trade] on the Main tank. Februar 2010. I usually have the main tank on focus and it works when I use it with the ALT modifier. Also, if you have no mouseover targetand no focus, then it casts Tricks of the Trade on your target's target (who ismost likely going to be the tank if you are targeting the boss). It also allows macros to target it with spells without changing your active target (that’s what @focus is). desman75 • 9 yr. Make sure to tell whatever group you are in to “give the lead to the tank” so that this macro isn’t directing threat to the host of the party like a healer or another DPS. This macro allows you to use Tricks of Trade without manually updating macro or using focus target. If anyone could share a nice Tricks of the Trade macro that will yell who I casted it on without actually having to target them or type their. Stonebull-malfurion. Post by CNH923 by "Memory", you mean set him as Focus? Then the macro would be: #showtooltip /cast Tricks of the Trade /y Insert witty line here. Sorry if this has already been posted - but I couldn't find anything like it. view. What my version does is target your last target so you can continue dpsing without the hassle of finding the mob again. Or you can set your keybind to the macro to be your 5th, 6th or 7th mouse wheel button. Last night I decided to trade Tricks with another rogue. 13711 views; 0 up votes; 3 point death. the whisper on the macro will help with coordinating the chain. If I want to target my focus, cast tricks and then target my last target, will this work? #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade /targetlasttarget Currently, I have separate macros for targetting my focus and targetting my focus' target, so it's 3 button presses: target focus, cast tricks, target focus' target. It really looks a lot like mine, I just didn't know it was enough to put in 'focus' instead of the name. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help] [@focus, help] [@targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade; This macro combines the two macros from above. You can macro tricks of the trade to your focus target, in 5 mans I'd just set it to the tank, and in raids you can pick out whoever looks most geared. I want it to tricks focus target and if i don’t have focus target just tricks the current target. CNH923의 게시글 by "Memory", you mean set him as Focus? Then the macro would be: #showtooltip /cast Tricks of the Trade /y Insert witty line here. /cast Tricks of the Trade /y You carry my aggro now, *!@#$. 1). So macros I use are: Tanks: #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast [target=focus]Tricks of the Trade and for the other rogue: #showtooltip Tricks of the TradeIf I want to target my focus, cast tricks and then target my last target, will this work? #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade /targetlasttarget Currently, I have separate macros for targetting my focus and targetting my focus' target, so it's 3 button presses: target focus, cast tricks, target focus' target. It’s great on big so pulls where you night pull aggro but it great for skiddish weeks for. Beitrag von Wanderingfox Personally, I use mtarget + the following: #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade That way I can shift+click to get the target cursor and click raid frames to use it manually, or i can hit it normally and it will go to my 'focus' target without having to actually eat my focus unitid, but to each his own (they're all more or. NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Rogue macros!! To find the plugins you can go to curseforge or your curse client and search for either “Elfyau” or “GSE” and they should show up in the results. Tricks of the Trade is a core rogue ability learned at level 78. /cast Tricks of the Trade /targetlasttarget This is the best one considering you will be having the tank in a focus frame anyway. I go through the common macros that I use on a regular basis on my Rogue in World of Warcraft. Then to cast Tricks you just used the second macro. It will work over the character though. It’s a very powerful ability on a short cooldown. /cast [target=focus] Tricks Of The Trade at run start I have only have to set /focus on the tank, then it's only a. _____ WoWInterface AddOns "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and. It is a confusing ability. Do you want a macro to always Tricks your Tank in Mythic Plus?Here it is! #showtooltip/cast [@party1]Tricks of the TradeAnd here's an example for how to writ. 9. #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade. I used to use a macro to tricks the MT but I Stopped playing my rogue for a while and it doesn't work anymore. Step 1: Create a blank macro named TotT. Or you can set your keybind to the macro to be your 5th, 6th or 7th mouse wheel button. If you are assassination though, it's looking like choosing Anticipation will allow you cast all your finishers at 5 combo points instead of 4+ for. GetUnitName ("mouseover", false),"say",nil,nil) end. #1. I tired Google with no luck if someone can help me out. I even tried taking the macro out and just casting tricks normally but it's still on CD. I’ve seen people use Castsequences to queue up spells but no one mentions using other macros in this macro. 10. Here are some examples of some good Rogue class macros: General Rogue: #showtooltip /cast FoodNameHere /cast Stealth. /cast tricks of the trade. . the whisper on the macro will help with coordinating the chain. my prepot macro with TotT. Вернуться на главную страницу форума. /cast Tricks of the Trade /targetlasttarget This is the best one considering you will be having the tank in a focus frame anyway. [@Focus] Tricks of the Trade Set your Tank or DPS you want to give the buff on focus. I do that on my feral druid to cast free regrowths on tank. This is mine, casts on focus target (main tank/random group tanks) if you only hit the button, if you hold down ctrl and press the button it casts on your off tank (or whoever you name there). #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast [@party1] Tricks of the Trade. /use [modifier:alt,target= NAME OF OTHER ROGUE HERE] [nomodifier,target=target,help,exists] [nomodifier,target=targettarget,help,exists] Tricks of the Trade. The buff you have between when you cast the spell and. Sep 2010. What my version does is target your last target so you can continue dpsing without the hassle of finding the mob again. Cast Tricks of the Trade on the currently targeted unit’s currently targeted unit /cast [target=Focus] Tricks of the Trade /targetlastenemyThis is my first Macro set up, This is for rogue Sub spec. /cast Tricks of the Trade /y You carry my aggro now, *!@#$. Lua Code: / run T = UnitName ("target"). 1. Rogue Dragonflight Outlaw. It is possible, we can run lua code with a /run line, and there are WoWAPI for both sending a chat message and getting the information we need (does mouseover exist, and name of mouseover). /cast Tricks of the Trade So I can keep my focus open for other mobs. In theory, the damage buff from the other rogue should have been applied by him, and thus the above macro will only ever catch the threat portion (and the initial buff before it's actually activated. #showtooltip Shadow Dance /cast [stance:0]Shadow Dance /cast [stance:1]Shadowstrike /cast [stance:2]Shadowstrike/cast [@mouseover, help] [@focus, help] [@targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade; This macro combines the two macros from above. I'm looking for a macro to use with Tricks of the Trade but the standard MD macro wont work. However, neither the shift modifier nor the @player_name (name of the offtank). Publication par Attis. 5 BLASTING OFC go buy it- best affliction warlock wri. I’m thinking about the best way to clear and change my focus on the fly when there are multiple tanks in the group, as is likely when I start raiding. Tricks of the Trade. Casting Tricks of the Trade on a member will give the. The second will apply Tricks to a specific target in your party, for use in Arenas in which you will be setting focus to a opposing team member. This macro will require you to Focus Target the Tank. If you hold Alt and press. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help] [@focus, help] [@targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade; This macro combines the two macros from above. I just macro it into mutilate and keep a focus target either on the tank and swap it after the pull or just put the targets name in place of "focus" #showtooltip Mutilate /cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade /cast Mutilate /startattack Reply With Quote. assignment Copy import string. Dembai 0 Dembai 0 Peon; Members 0 1 post; Report post; Posted September 28, 2022. /cast Tricks of the Trade /y You carry my aggro now, *!@#$. Focus sap and blind. /cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade. Trix1 and Trix2 will cast Tricks of the Trade on any unit by ID or by name. thx Сообщение от deef #showtooltip Tricks of the TradeLuacheckOK. = noupe guide overall is meh (1 google search would yield same result) openers are missing priority list on finishers missing arena comps general tips on how to play rogue are nowhere to be found macros are fine for the most part Focus Redirect. " -Ninety. #showtooltip tricks of the trade. What my version does is target your last target so you can continue dpsing without the hassle of finding the mob again. Then if your main tank changes, all you have to do is change the name in your macro. Jahnsen-dalvengyr. Zérgling-thrall. Publicado por Attis. /tar (MT name) /cast tricks of the trade /assistI have a tricks macro that works as follows: /target focus. Post by Wanderingfox Personally, I use mtarget + the following: #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade That way I can shift+click to get the target cursor and click raid frames to use it manually, or i can hit it normally and it will go to my 'focus' target without having to actually eat my focus unitid, but to each his own (they're all more or. #showtooltip /cast [nomod, @focus] Tricks of the Trade /cast [mod:ctrl, @OFFTANKNAME] Tricks of the Trade. #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast [target=YOURPARTYMEMBERHERE] Tricks of the Trade Tricks of the Trade v2– Priority order is as follows = direct target, focus, targets target. Reply With Quote. Yes mouse button 4, it specifically doesnt work with unit frames? I recall from a long time ago that you couldn't use a mouse-over macro on a unitframe that is bound to a mouse button, it needed to be assigned to a keyboard key. Also whispers them to let them know you buffed them. It makes it easy to stun the whole team. Tricks of the Trade macro on your tank. From then on, you can just press the button (either left click or hitting your keybind) and it will cast Tricks on. 70, 70 durability macro: All of the above actions for the combined macro, in addition to the following: Piece by Piece (ARM 50) Careful Synthesis III (Lv. What my version does is target your last target so you can continue dpsing without the hassle of finding the mob again. Post by Wanderingfox Personally, I use mtarget + the following: #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade That way I can shift+click to get the target cursor and click raid frames to use it manually, or i can hit it normally and it will go to my 'focus' target without having to actually eat my focus unitid, but to each his own (they're all more or. I'm surprised no one mentioned the mother of all TotT macros: #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade It will first attempt to use TotT on your current target if friendly. #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade. Then you can set your “focus target” booton to shift and tab together, this is a solution for making it easy to automatically cast onto who you want when your tank is constantly changing, and easy to set your focus so you do not have to click onto their picture. /tar (MT name) /cast tricks of the trade /assistPersonally i use a [] macro, so it will get on focus, otherwise tot, otherwise works as normal. Use a macro of this form: /cast [@focus,help,nodead][] Tricks of the Trade. Beitrag von Attis. Trying to make a tricks of the trade macro that whispers the recipient(my friend) and doesn’t whisper if tricks of the trade is on cooldown and finally has an extra line at the start to cancel it so I can cancel the threat transfer for them. Just use Macro 2 from now on and it automatically targets the tank. /cast Tricks of the Trade /y You carry my aggro now, *!@#$. TotT pop-up that will only show when it's off cooldown and available to use. I'm using Clique to cast Tricks so I'm not actually targeting anything so none of the hunter macros seem to work. ROGUE - Improved Tricks of the Trade #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast [@mouseover, help,nodead] Tricks of the Trade; [@focus, help, nodead] Tricks of the Trade; [@targettarget, help, nodead] Tricks of the Trade Tricks of the trade will be cast on targeted mouseover if that cannot be found it will be cast on your focus and if. %f is WoW macro shorthand for “focus name” (just like how %t is for target name) and the horrible mess after that is the in-game ability link for Tricks of the Trade. ","WHISPER",nil,UnitName ("focus")) #showtooltip. /cast [target=rogue1,exists,nodead] Tricks of the Trade. Post by Wanderingfox Personally, I use mtarget + the following: #showtooltip Tricks of the TradeTricks of the Trade. Guten Abend zusammen. Also works for Tricks of the Trade and Innervate (targets healers) Normally, a macro can target a specific unit. /cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade. Postado por Wanderingfox Personally, I use mtarget + the following: #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade That way I can shift+click to get the target cursor and click raid frames to use it manually, or i can hit it normally and it will go to my 'focus' target without having to actually eat my focus unitid, but to each his own (they're all more or. How does tricks of the trade work. For instance, you may want to be damaging one main target and interrupt another. /cast [target=mouseover,exists] Tricks of the Trade. Elfyau November 15, 2022, 12:28am 1. Basically what I want to do is use ToTT on every CD without having to use a separate button by linking it to my mutilate button. Сообщение от Wanderingfox Personally, I use mtarget + the following: #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast Tricks of the Trade That way I can shift+click to get the target cursor and click raid frames to use it manually, or i can hit it normally and it will go to my 'focus' target without having to actually eat my focus unitid, but to each his own (they're all.